Photo Essay

Students with masks walking alongside the earthquake affected school. Nepal’s education system is faced with COVID19 crisis while it is still recovering from the 2015 earthquake.

Student walking towards a school vehicle. Student learning outcomes have been severely affected by the pandemic.

Masks and hand sanitisers in a school. Schools are following precautionary measure to contain the spread of COVID19.

Students in front of a school. To ‘build back better’, countries will need effective crisis-recovery strategies.

Classroom waiting for students. According to UNICEF, approximately 825 million learners were affected due to school closures in response to the pandemic (as of 12 January 2021).

Students practicing martial arts with masks. The pandemic has had severe impact on students’ general well being.

Students with masks and social distancing. Education institutions are following precautions to prevent the spread of COVID19.

Classes in ‘temporary’ classrooms that were built after the 2015-earthquake.

The pandemic is posing challenges to the education system which is already coping with ongoing crisis in public education.

Student walking towards her home. Many people lost their houses during the 2015 earthquake and have since lived in the tin shelters like these.

Students on their way to school. Studies suggest that 20 million girls in developing countries may never return to the classroom after the pandemic.

Students wearing masks and waiting for school bus in Nepal. The schools may be closed again as the second wave of the pandemic hits the country.