Think Piece Series – Author Information

Education.SouthAsia invites original and analytic pieces that make interdisciplinary contributions to the issue of education in South Asia. These will be published in the ThinkPiece series. ThinkPiece series approaches social issues from a critical and analytical perspective. Authors are encouraged to support their argument/s with strong empirical evidence. We discourage pieces that are prescriptive and normative in nature.

Please send an email to us with a 150-word abstract to discuss the suitability of your ThinkPiece for the website. The abstract should include the main argument and the empirical evidence for the piece. If accepted, the convenors will get back to you within 7 days with editorial suggestions and publication plan.

The ThinkPiece should be between 900-1200 words, inclusive of footnotes and references. Manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft Word format. Figures and images should be saved separately from the text.

Please use British English spellings and punctuations throughout, except for previously published primary source materials, which should appear as in the original. Please use spelling styles consistently throughout your manuscript.

Please use bold for sub-headings, and italics for emphasis. If there is a data set associated with the paper, please provide information about where the data supporting the results or analyses presented in the paper can be found. All the materials cited in the ThinkPiece series should be properly referenced using Harvard referencing style.

The submitted manuscripts may be sent for peer review, if needed. In such cases, the manuscript will be anonymised.

Author/s should include their full name and affiliation in the manuscript. Please also submit a short biographical note, along with links to any official pages, if appropriate. The biographical note should not be more than 50 words.

If authors are submitting any image or figures, they must obtain the necessary permission to reuse third-party material in the think piece. If you wish to include any material for which you do not hold copyright, you will need to obtain written permission from the copyright owner prior to submission.

Contact details:

Nainika Dinesh (

Mohini Gupta (

Uma Pradhan (