Methodologies in Education: Early Career Research in South Asia

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This session discusses diverse methodologies in the field of education research, with a specific focus on South Asia. 


Abhishek Ranjan Datta is a Clarendon and Lincoln-Kingsgate Graduate Scholar at Lincoln College at Oxford. Abhishek’s doctoral project explores practices of ‘self-making’ among urban youth in Delhi, focussing on how the discourse and infrastructure of ‘preparation’ (taiyaree, in Hindi-Urdu) in Delhi’s coaching centres shape middle-class aspirations and propel rhizomatic practices of mobility and self-realisation. The project aims to revisit and unpack ‘self-making’ to highlight its hybridity, instability and discontinuities. His past projects include research on South Asian queer cultures and English language use and multilingualism in urban India.

Suha Gangopadhyay is a doctoral student of Curriculum, Instruction and Teacher Education at Michigan State University. Given her background in administration, teaching and online curriculum building in India, Suha’s research interests include international and comparative education and digital learning, for which she has worked on projects in Tanzania, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, South Korea, etc. 

Anuj Gupta studies Rhetoric & Composition at the University of Arizona. He is passionate about integrating qualitative approaches with data science to develop ed-tech applications that help students read, write, and think critically & empathetically. In the past, he has helped build one of India’s first college-level writing programs at Ashoka University. Anuj, your methods are more oriented towards the quantitative side, even though your past training has been in the humanities. 

Saurav Goswami is a PhD student of Applied Linguistics at Georgetown University. His areas of research are critical multilingual studies and critical language policy. He explores institutional and multilingual discourse and identity work, especially through discourse analytical approaches. Saurav is interested in multidialectalism and identity in northeastern India, early career students, and multilingual queer communities.